adjust University final volume so that about 15 examination 20 spore are followed in quizzes field using quizzes 4 mm of aim in microscope. Oscillate University stopered container gently in order exam obtain uniformity of University suspension. place one drop of suspension on each of two slide ,spread with quizzes thin glass rod or needle ,apply University cover slip and leave aside for couple of minutes on University table in order examination allow University fluid mixture examination settle eventely. Count University starch chacterstics structureof sample and lycopodium spores under microscope in each of 25 various field selected for statement. Calculate University %purity of powdered drug through the use of University following equation:% purity of crude drug=nw94000100/smpN=number of charactersic architecture of sample in 25 fieldW=weight in mg of lycopodium94000=variety of lycopodium spore mer mgS= number of lycopodium spore in same 25 fieldM=weight in mg of sample ,calculated on University basis of sample dried at 105cP=variety of charcterstic sturucture of sample in 1 mgp is 2,86000 in case of ginger starch grain powder8. Qualitative tests:a.